Friday, April 6, 2018

Blogger, Wordpress?

My research into blogging editor options is leaving me confused and frustrated. When I started blogging I used Blogger. Blogger still works but it is not an offline option when I am traveling and also does not work well on an iPad. On online PC yes, iPad no. My editor of choice on the iPad has been BlogPad Pro. But, it has not been updated in over three years and apparently changes to iOS have made it unstable, crashing at inopportune times.

Blogger is a Google product and works in conjunction with BlogSpot. I am happy to user Blogger on my PC but I want to use my iPad dammit. I like the ability to upload photos from my iPhone/iPad. I like the ease of using the iPad.

Lots of bloggers are using Wordpress, but that is a subscription service at $8.00 a month. I can use which would be nice, but I am not sure I really want to use Wordpress. More research is in order. I do know it will be a pain to convert my BlogSpot blog entries to Wordpress - and I have eight years of blog entries in two blogs starting in 2010.

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