Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Around Longmont

We have a wall of book boxes in the garage, moved from Glen Ellyn the first of June 2016. I have been working on many projects in this house and this is one of the big ones - cabinets and book shelves for Sharon’s office. The shelves are now in and Sharon is unpacking that wall of boxes from the garage. I am now working on the doors for the lower cabinets. Next I will build some cabinets in the basement. It seems there is always something to do here but it keeps me off the streets and out of trouble.

I love listening to the sounds of birds from our patio. Because there is a creek filled with cat tails running behind the house we have an abundance of redwing blackbirds. I also hear doves, finches, ducks, robins, and others. It is very relaxing.

Drove around town today with the top down on the Camaro. Top down time is my favorite time of the year!
Unpacking Cookbooks
Found While Unpacking Books - 2013 Birthday Bourbon
A Neighbor Comes For Dinner

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