Sunday, April 1, 2018

And More Spring Break

Kristie’s Birthday
Argh! Blog Pad Pro is giving me fits and crashes when I am adding photos, thus the Spring Break Series.

I had a nice visit with the Jordans of Redmond Oregon. Kristie and I had a couple of lazy days together and then on Sunday evening Avery and Anika joined us. John had to work through my visit except for Wednesday. Wednesday was a big adventure as we took Bob out into the hills and road up steep hills and splashed through puddles and explored narrowing trails. Lots of fun.

It was a good visit and then I headed back to Colorado. I felt that the scenery was better west bound than east bound. Odd, same country but from a different direction. Crossing Oregon on Highway 20 was easier than Highway 26 - faster and straighter most of the way. Weather was pretty darn good both ways. On the way to Oregon I had about an hour of rain in Idaho as I approached Twin Falls and then the last hour as I neared Redmond a combo of rain, sleet, and snow. On the way back I had sunny skies until I approached Laramie Wyoming. Then, clouds built and I could see snow in the distance. Eventually I had sleet then snow and high winds. When I turned south onto I-25 towards Longmont I drove back into sunny skies.

I stayed at Hampton Inns on the way to Oregon and back. Twin Falls Idaho heading west and Brigham City Utah heading east. Dinner in Twin Falls at Jaker’s was great, dinner at Brigham House was not. But, the hotels were comfortable and Hampton Inn breakfasts are passable and reliable.

I didn’t have to deal with too much craziness on the drive either way. There was the guy in rural Oregon who turned left in front of me and the guy who passed me, pulled in front of me then hit his brakes all while hand holding his phone. I do wonder why drivers have not discovered cruise control or or turn signals or hands free phone options in their cars. Too much technology for them to handle? Oh, and when you pull into a rest area, use the parking spaces, not the traffic lane or the truck parking. I’m surprised some of you can find your way home.

The Camaro is a wonderful long distance cruiser. So much quieter and more powerful than the Miata. It was a joy to drive, comfortable, great gas mileage - about 28.5 mpg for the trip. I wish the weather was warmer so that I could have the top down! I doubt I will drive out to Oregon again unless it is part of a bigger trip. We will in the coming year visit Mt. Rushmore and spots in New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. Taos, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon, Bryce, here we come!

Desert Scenery


Brigham City Utah

Where’s Colby?

Continental Divide

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