Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Weather etc.

Yesterday is was partly cloudy here in Longmont. We had full sun a goof part of the day and clouds on the east and west in the late afternoon - beautiful clouds in the west and southwest. It got up to about 50º. In the Chicago area it was sunny also but barely made it above 0º. My neuropathy has been better while here. Weather? I think so. THC lotion? Perhaps a part of it.

We had a wonderful dinner Sunday night in Niwot at Colterra. Fine dining with good service, a nice setting, and delicious beautifully presented food. The creme brulee is not as good as Sharon's, but then hers is pretty hard to beat! For about the same cost as Sugarbeet in Longmont which is supposed to be the best, Colterra puts them away. It is a Boulder level restaurant closer to Longmont. Niwot is a neat little community.

And on the topic of Niwot...Niwot was named after Chief Niwot or Left Hand who was a leader of the Southern Arapaho. I now know why we have the Left Hand Grange, and Left Hand Brewing, and Left Hand Creek, and Left Hand Valley. Niwot and many of the Arapaho were killed at Sand Creek. Read about it. Sad. However, because Sharon and I are left handed, perhaps this is a good omen. I need to visit Left Hand Brewing this week.

Things seem to be coming together on the house here. I think this all may work. We talked to Tom Walter, our Fidelity Advisor, we talked to Blake Schaeffer about a loan. I've gotten things moving on selling the house in Redmond, Oregon. Looking good so far. I am pulling reports online for accounts and wages and everything else that is needed for a loan application.

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