Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Longmont After a Couple of Days

Sharon is a working machine. She is helping several clients with ACA reporting and I think in the process is becoming an ACA reporting expert. She has been working with clients in Alaska, Ohio, and Illinois all day yesterday and since 7:00am this morning. I wish we had a better working set up for her. She has got her laptop on an end table and has a dining room chair pulled up next to it. Shelby is on a chair next to her keeping her company.



I have got my laptop on the dining room table. The dining room chair didn't work for me and I am using an outdoor chair which is more comfortable. The keyboard height is a bit too high but I don't have a need to type nearly as much as Sharon. I am occupied doing other things - sweeping, vacuuming, grocery shopping, fixing meals, cleaning the kitchen, and doing laundry. I have been out on my bike - a little treacherous on the parts of the roads covered with snow and ice. I can navigate if I go slow and make smooth turns and brake carefully; much like driving on snow and ice in a car. I also started reading a book I bought us for Christmas (our only present); Twelve Recipes by Cal Peternell. I am enjoying it and getting a few cooking tips.


I have grocery shopped at Safeway, Lucky's, King Soopers, and Sprouts. I think King Soopers is going to be my go to but don't go there on a Sunday afternoon - crowded and picked over. Today it was well stocked, not crowded, and calm. I was able to explore and check out their meat and seafood departments, produce, and general grocery. They even make fresh sushi! Sprouts is good for bulk and organic items plus if you are into supplements, vitamins, aroma therapy etc. they are the place to go.


For wine and spirits in Longmont it looks like Wyatt's is the spot, though they are just now opened and the staff is young and inexperienced. In two visits no one was in the wine department, the guys in spirits did not seem to know their stuff, but the male staff all look like beer guys! They do have a well stocked wine department.


Last night after getting frustrated on Sunday looking for news on the TV, I found a source of streaming PBS Newshour. It as easier than trying to find it on TV. I hope this is a problem with the setup in this rental house and not indicative of antenna TV in the Denver area. I suppose I am a news junkie, especially for the News Hour.


Today has been sunny all day and we got up to 49°. I went outside on the deck and fired up the gas grill to check it out. I am only getting a consistent burn on one side. Research. While out there I had a beer and a cigar and did some reading. Pretty nice for January 5th.


Sharon just took a break and got outside for the first time since Sunday. We walked just a short ways to the little shopping center close by. It was my favorite restaurant so far - Cyclhops and also an upscale women's consignment shop - Fabulous Finds Consignment. Sharon got an LL Bean fleece vest and a sweet Cuplo sweater for a total of $34.09. I got a 10% discount because it is Senior Tuesday. Life is good.


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