Thursday, January 14, 2016

Watching Clouds

Last night the wind picked up and it is still windy today. I can see snow over the mountains, but it seems to be staying there. Longs Peak is not visible today. I can see the front range but nothing beyond. It is still darn pretty though! I learned on the Denver weather this evening tghat there is a name for this bank of clouds and associated downslope winds over the front range - a foehn wind or a chinook. There were high winds in Longmont last night, and over 30 mph today. There were reported winds over 60 mph in Lyons.

I visted a Longmont fly shop today - Laughing Grizzly Fly Shop. I talked with the owner, Mike, and he said tghis was the heart of great fishing country. Locally it is small waters, and I am more used to bigger waters, but I can adapt. I don't think I'll have a problem finding good fishing here. By March all the ice will be gone and fishing will be good. Lyons, where forks of the Saint Vrain river meet is just a few miles from here and Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park are less than 30 miles from here. I drove up through Lyons today and then a few miles beyond on Highway 36 toward Estes PArk. Pretty. I'll have to get my fly fishing gear from John because I left it in Redmond when I was there last.
On the real estate front, I have come to the conclusion that there are no bargains in Longmont, nor most of Boulder County. For example, I just told Zillow to show me everything for sale in Boulder County from $100,000 to $225,000. I got eight results. If I go from $300,000 to $400,000 threre are 102 results. Go up to $500,000 and there are 201 results. When we sell our house in Glen Ellyn, we are going to have to put all of our proceeds in to a house here.
We won a whopping $8 with Powerball last night. Not a very good return. We spent $40 to make $8.


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