Sunday, January 31, 2016

End Of The Month

January comes to a close in Longmont with a little snow, but they are promising a lot more for tonight and tomorrow. Last night we got about ½ inch and it is pretty this morning. The various weather forecasts threaten us with much more snow tonight - perhaps as much as a foot. We are enjoying the sun today while we can and will be heading up toward north from Longmont to check it out. Speaking of weather, it has been wonderful here. Yesterday as many other days Sharon and I were wearing sweatshirts and feeling very comfortable. It did cool off quite a bit yesterday before the snow, but you've got to take a little bad with the wonderful! Right now as I write this the sun is shining on the snow and it is in the upper 30s out there. I have been bike riding in sunny upper 50° splendor and sitting in the sun on the deck in 60°.

Yesterday we drove down to Littleton to visit Jason Bell's Living The Dream Brewing Company. I took a bottle of giardiniera for Vince because he says that is the main thing he misses being in Colorado. Funny, I bought the giardiniera at a butcher shop in Longmont! Vince pulled samples of all the beers they had on tap and I tasted through them. They are making some wonderful beers and doing a lot of experimenting. Jason gave us a tour of the brewery and explained all the steps in the brewing process. It is quite a blend of art and science. Judging from the number of people in the taproom, Living The Dream has caught on in Littleton. If you are out this way drop in! And once, we have moved here, stay with us!

We drove back through Golden and it was a beautiful drive along the foothills. We had lunch in Golden at Old Capitol Grill. If you are in Golden this looks like a good spot - but avoid it! Very average food, or perhaps below average!

Friday evening found us at Post Brewing in Lafayette. We met friends there and drank some tasty beer and ate great fried chicken and pretty good fried fish! The chicken was better. These are the people who opened Good Bird Kitchen in Longmont where we had chicken a week or so ago. They have my fried chicken business!

On Sunday we got out of the house around noon (after Sharon shoveled the snow in the driveway) and headed to our soon to be home. We are scheduled to close on February 17th. Vonn's built the pergola which looks better than I hoped, and added the access door at the rear of the garage. We wandered around the house and measured windows, talked about towel bars and an "exit" bar for the tub, talked about how and where furniture would be placed and planned our wine cellar. Each time we visit we are more convinced that this was a good choice and we will be happy, not only in this house but in Longmont. Though the overall room in the new house isn't too much different from what we have now, we are used to smaller rooms, so we will be spreading out more and have more useable space. The basement here will be used for a workshop and wine cellar. Each will take come time to put together. I am hoping to make a number of new furniture pieces. We feel our living area is the simplest. Our living and dining furniture will fit right in and we are almost done. The rest of the house is going to take some work. But we have a lot more time than money!

The South and West sides of the house have many windows and let in tons of light. Of the windows you see here only one on the second floor will get a window covering and perhaps the large one on the first floor. We discovered today that our side yeard is bigger than we thought, in fact is deeper than the back yard. A few trees and a spot for the pond will fill it in. Next week I will be getting started with bids from landscapers. No grass. Rock, Trees. Evergreen shrubs. Sharon calls it Zeroscape.

After our house visit we drove north to Berthoud where we had a very late breakfast at Grandpa's and then continued on to Loveland. Basically we are just seeing the sights and getting the lay of the land. Driving north from Longmont you really get a feel of being out in the country, then you run across new home developments. Is everyone moving to Colorado?

Monday, January 25, 2016

A Bolognese Recipe

I wanted to make bolognese for dinner tonight and read through several recipes. I ended up making a combination of Marcella Hazan's classic and one deemed "classic ragu alla bolognese" by the Bolognese chapter of the Accademia Italiana della Cucina on 1982. My combo recipe is as follows:

1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped carrot

6 oz diced pancetta
1 pound ground chuck

1 tablespoon canola oil
3 tablespoons butter

black pepper
a whole nutmeg

1 1/2 cups whole milk
1 cup dry white wine - I used a Fruili

15 oz can of whole tomatoes

pasta of your choice
parmigiano reggiano

Put the oil and butter in a pot or large sautee pan and put the heat on medium. Drop in the pancetta and cook until almost rendered. Add the onions and celery and carrots and cook around 5 minutes.

Add the ground chuck and cook until the red is gone. Add salt and a few grinds of pepper. Lower the heat to a slow simmer. Add the wine and simmer until the wine is reduced. Add the tomatoes and cook for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Watch the liquid! Add water or wine or stock if it gets low.

Use a microplane and add a few scrapes of the nutmeg. Add 1/2 cup of the milk and reduce, add another 1/2 cup and reduce, add the final 1/2 cup and reduce. You've got about 1 1/2 hours of simmering going here. You are almost done! Ours went for about 2 hours. Taste and adjust seasonings.

Drop your pasta and cook it then drop drained pasta into the pan with the bolognese. Reserve some of the pasta water as needed.

Plate and top with the parmigiano reggiano serve with a salad and a big red wine and enjoy. We did!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park

Saturday we went exploring and found in less than an hour from our rental, we are in Estes Park. Cool! It will be about the same time from our new house.

Estes Park in January is not nearly as busy as in August, the last time we were there. Though there are still plenty of tourists and shops to take the tourist dollars! And there is always the Stanley Hotel, made famous by Stephen King in The Shining. Did you notice we are both wearing sweatshirts? It was 60ยบ in Estes Park, not much cooler in RMNP. This is January! The weather has been great since we got here, except for one day of snow.

Rocky Mountain National Park is only partially open this time of year but you can still enjoy the beauty. We drove past the road to Beaver Lake as the parking lot at Beaver Lake was full, but I had another goal in mind - Many Parks Curve and its views. It is the end of the road in winter on Trail Ridge Road. They don't plow past here in the winter months.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Our New Home

We've signed the paperwork with the builder, applied for a loan, contacted our insurance agent, put our house in Glen Ellyn on the market, and of course, made the decision to move. If everything continues to work as planned we will move as soon as we have sold the house in Glen Ellyn. Our new address will by 1527 Otis Drive, Longmont, Colorado 80504

Here is a tour.....

Entry View
Living Room From Entry
Looking up From Entry
Kitchen And Dining From Living
Looking Up From Living
Landing - Certainly A Kitty Favorite
Looking Up To Master Bedroom From Landing
Master Bedroom Closet
Master Bedroom Closet Looking Into Laundry Room
Soaking Tub In Master Bath
Master Bath Looking To Master Bedroom
Master Bath Looking To Master Bedroom
Longs Peak Under Snow From Master Bedroom
Panorama Out Of Master Bedroom Window Snow Coming Down On The Peaks
Master Bedroom
West Bedroom
East Bedroom
Loft - Music Room!
Looking Down From Loft
Dining and Kitchen From Landing
Living Room From Landing
Kitchen And Dining
House And Neighborhood
Mud Room at Garage Entry

The tour did not include the basement or tandem garage. Sorry, maybe next time