Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Random Observations

Today as I was sitting in a doctor's office waiting for an exam it occurred to me that never have I avoided seeing a doctor because I was concerned about the cost. I do know that some people do not see doctors because of the cost of care and that has never been a concern of mine. Now, most of my life I have been covered by health insurance but even in those few times when I had a lapse of coverage, health needs have come first. I suppose I am luck or blessed in this regard because many people have not had this luxury.
Tomorrow I have my second cataract surgery. This time on my right eye. I am apprehensive but I don't believe that I am as nervous as I was the first time. I do have high hopes for the results of the surgery and hope I can read and use my phone and iPad soon without any corrective lenses.
Colorado and beyond. I am planning another road trip this year. First stop Estes Park, Colorado. Lee and I will be driving to Estes Park on August 6 where we will meet Sharon and Peg. Sharon has been spending lots of time in Boulder at the Boulder School District and she and Peg planned a few days of hiking around Rocky Mountain National Park. Peg is flying in on a Thursday evening and Lee and I are scheduled to get there the same day. After a few days in Estes Park, Lee and Peg will fly home to Chicago and Sharon and I will spend a couple of days in Boulder together. While she is working I can get a few loads of laundry done for both of us and explore Boulder.Then, I will head to Redmond to spend a couple of weeks with my grand kids, and son and daughter-in-law and ex daughter-in-law. I will head towards Glen Ellyn on September 2 after Avery starts school. Sharon will fly to Boulder and spend Labor Day weekend with us. I plan on stopping to see Mt. Rushmore on the return trip. I have managed to ignore Mt. Rushmore during a number of trips past it. This time I will stop for a visit as I did Devil's Tower a couple of years ago. I hope to find a few other attractions/distractions on my way to and from Oregon.
Kids on bicycles are to be feared on the Prairie Path. It matters not whether they are four or fourteen, watch out for them as they are unpredictable. Adults are much better - as long as they on on the street or on the bike path. Let them get on a sidewalk and be very afraid as they seem to forget that they cannot simply ride acros the intersection without stopping or looking. I did find the official Illinois "Bicycle Rules of the Road." Of course they are like rules for motor vehicles - most people simply ignore them.

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