Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Almost a month ago I decided to get back on my bicycle and get some exercise. I've worked up from once a week to twice a week. From about five miles to about twelve. In fact, my time to do twelve miles this week was about the same as doing five my first week. I am feeling stronger and I have dropped a few pounds. Now to see if I can keep it up. I need to lose 40 pounds before our next trip to Spain so that Sharon will let me wear a Speedo.

I've been going east and west from Glen Ellyn on the Prairie Path. Going west I go to and beyond Wheaton. Going east I have gone past Hwy 83 and Salt Creek to Elmhurst. They are both interesting rides and each very different. West is mostly along the Union Pacific tracks with lots of train action. East is mostly through residential areas. The people I see on the Prairie Path are much the same, but downtown Glen Ellyn seems to have more unsupervised children. Of course there are also unsupervised adults who need to be curbed. It seems a big portion of the bicycling population, both adults and children, were never properly taught the basics of riding. They ride on the wrong side of the road or path. They ride on sidewalks. They ignore traffic rules. They assume that if they are on a sidewalk they have the same rights as pedestrians. As someone who is largely a rules follower, I find this behaviour aggravating.

My next adventures will extend past the Prairie Path. North along the Great Western Trail and south to some of the Forest Preserve sites along Butterfield Road and beyond.

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