Thursday, July 17, 2014

Cataract Surgery II

Yesterday was cataract surgery - this time on my right eye. The procedure seemed routine since I had my left eye done last month. This time though, I told the anesthesiologist That it seemed the last time I was too aware of the procedure near the end and wanted a bit more anesthesia. He told me he would, but even though I believe he did, I was aware through the entire procedure. That was freaky! However, I was not concerned, just aware. I could hear everyone in the room talking, I could hear instruments I could see light and things going on around me eye. I wanted to ask for music but had been told not to move or talk - so I behaved. It seems it took longer for the anesthesia to wear off this time, likely because I got a bit more. I was pretty much out of it on the drive home and then took a nap shortly after arriving home. I wasn't really functional until around 5:00 p.m and then I was in bed before 9:00 p.m. with lights out shortly after.
Today, my vision is amazing. Everything is crisp and clear and bright, perhaps a bit too bright. I am seeing with both eyes uncorrected by glasses or contacts for the first time since I was two years old and it is quite amazing. Naturally I am pleased. I will probably need to continue to use reading glasses but I do not mind that at all. Being able to wake up at night or in the morning and be able to see is a wonderful gift.
My brain has some adjusting to do - colors and clarity and balancing my eyes, but I suspect that within a week or so I will be adapted to this new life. Thank you Medicare and United Healthcare and Dr. Sophia Sarkos!

 好吃多吃 (hao chi duo chi)

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