Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Tomorrow willl mark one week since my final cataract surgery. I am still adjusting to life without glasses and contacts. Most evening I have an urge to remove my contact lenses and then realize I don't have contacts.in my eyes. When I wake during the middle of the night before I get up I reach for the night table for my glasses and then realize they are no longer there.

I am seeing better and more confidently each day post surgery. An example, I am writing this on my iPad on my portable keyboard. I can clearly read the text on the iPad screen and clearly see the keys on the keyboard without reading glasses. Oh, I do find myself putting on reading glasses when I do not need to. A habit I will need to break. I don't want my eyes to get lazy.

Tomorrow I see Dr. Sarkos and hopefully she will tell me I do not need to wear the eye shield at night and I can cut back on the three eye drops I am using. I also will ask for a recommentation on a eye drop for lubrication. My left eye sometimes feels as if I have something in it, though Dr. Lindenmuth says there is nothing there. Perhaps just a lubricating drop from time to time will make that feeling go away.

Yesterday I was back on my bike on both the Illinois Prairie Path and the Great Western Trail. Glen Ellyn to Elmhurst on the Prairie Path then up to the Great Western Trail from Villa Park to Lombard, then back to the Prairie Path to Glen Ellyn. Just under 14 miles. Next step 20. I did create bicycle problems for myself yesterday. I decided to "Slime" my tubes to prevent flats. The front tire went well but not the back. The tire valve remover tool that came with the Slime broke in the valve of the back tube and I could not get it out. I finally had to pay a visit to the downtown Glen Ellyn bike shop for a replacment tube. I now have a Slimed tube in the front tire and a new tube in the back tire and half a bottle of leftover Slime. I suppose the experience was good for me in several ways. It is possible that the stubborn valve was defective and would have failed wile I was riding and I would have been walking. I found my old tire levers in one of my tool boxes and got to use them to replace a tube. And, I got practice in repairing bicycle tires!

Last night I considered my route on this year's road trip. After spending the weekend with Lee and Peg and Sharon in Estes Park and then two more nights with Sharon in Boulder I head to Redmond. I decided to visit Moab, Utah and Arches National Park on the way. I will have one day to beautiful scenery and mountain driving from Boulder to Moab on Interstate 70. That will give me an afternoon and evening at Arches. Then the next day will be all driving with a target of Ontario, Oregon. I'll to a little sight seeing on the way as I will pass by the Great Salt Lake. From Ontario to Redmond will be an easy half day of driving.

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