Sunday, May 12, 2013


This weekend Sharon and I are preparing for vacation. You can follow our adventures here during the next couple of weeks.

Last night we attended an annual DuPage Senior Citizens Council fund raiser - Dancing for the Seniors. It was entertaining but I was done by the end of the evening - not because of dancing but I had worked at Binny's until 5:00. My feet seem to be able to take no more than 8 or 10 hours in shoes and this week I have felt quite exhausted at the end of a work day.

This was our second try at making it to this event. We had the dates confused and showed up at the Marriott last week - one week early. We were met in the parking lot during our last visit by the Marriott manager who asked us what event we were there for. When we told her she said that the only thing on her schedule were two proms. Oops! At first we thought perhaps we were at the wrong Marriott, but Jennifer confirmed that the even was the following week. She suggested we visit the lounge for a cocktail - which we did and she was kind enough to comp it! We enjoyed our cocktail, had a good laugh over our miscue, and then went to dinner. Hopefully there won't be any miscues on vacation.

We we lucky enough to have a short visit from Kevin, Kathy, and Brady this weekend. Kevin has been working in Peoria and had a very short break before having to be in Ohio on Sunday. Rather than his driving all the way to Davenport to have a few hours with his family, Kathy and Brady came here. I saw them briefly for lunch on Saturday and then we shared breakfast this morning - then everyone was gone by 10:00am. We have not seen enough of them and will have to head to Davenport in June, and I hear they are rolling through here on the way to somewhere else in June and we will be cat sitting.

Check list for travel:

Cameras - check
Passports - check
Airline, hotel, car, train reservations - check
Paris Metro and bus map - check
Barcelona metro map - check
Map of France - check
Itinerary - not so much!
Phone numbers and wine for Matt who is cat sitting - check

Paris, Orleans, Limoges, Carcasonne, Perpignan, Barcelona, Sitges here we come!

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