Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Off to Paris!

Yesterday and today we are busy getting ready to go on vacation. Last minute house cleaning, laundry, lawn care, and errands were done and this morning we packed. Sharon commented that this was much better than our experience before we left for China last year. She was working up until beyond the last minute and she and I threw clothes in her suit case and rushed from the house. Sharon really had no idea what we packed for her. This time sanity prevailed. We were ready to go at 1:00 P.M. and Marge picked us up at about 1:30.
We got to O'Hare, checked in, went through security, and then headed to Macaroni Grill for lunch. This is our tradition when we are heading to Europe. Having a nice lunch allows us to relax before we board the plane. It is a nice tradition and it works for us.
Today we sat next to a girl traveling alone to Valencia, Spain to meet her boyfriend who has been studying there since January. We had a fun conversation. Her name is Amber and she is from Kentucky, about 15 minutes from Frankfort. We hope Amber has a wonderful time.
Our flight was delayed today. First, because the plane was hot we delayed boarding until it cooled off. Then there was an electrical problem. We left the gate at 7:00, an hour and fifteen minutes late. Thankfully we do not have any connections or any plans other than checking into our hotel, finding a cafe for lunch, and strolling the Marais.
Sharon scored Exit row seats for us, 22 H and J. We have loads of leg room and even with my backpack on the floor in front of me I can fully stretch out my legs as well as sit with my legs crossed. Who needs First or Business Class when you've got this kind of leg room. Well, the food and drinks won't be as good, but still, the seats are awesome. Sharon's frequent flying pays off. Later - In fact the food and drinks were dismal. I've got to say that Iberia does it better.

Next stop Paris. Wednesday.

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