Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wicked Hot!

Today was a hot one in Glen Ellyn and still is. It is 9:35 and the temperature is still 85° and it was officially as high as 97° here today. Combine that with 69% humidity and we have uncomfortable weather. We are not used to this in Chicogo and I am thankful we have central air. I know we will have little sympathy from our friends in Texas, but this is tough! No sitting in the back yard this evening. Inside and air conditioned is the way to go. I had a swing to put up for Brady. Not this evening! She will have to wait.

A month from today we will be in Bejing and the weather should be about like this. We should be happy to get a preview and work on getting acclimated. We are going to China at the time of year when it is hottest. The good news is that we can dress casually and pack light! Lots of shorts and short sleeve shirts.

This week I visited my Oncologist for a follow up visit, some pokes, lots of questions, and some blood tests. He tells me I am doing O.K. My next visit will include another CT Scan and if that shows no signs of cancer I will drop down to check ups every 6 months instead of every three months. I finished chemo on November 22, 2010. I am still feeling the effects of the chemo in my fingers and my feet and my hair will never be the same. But, I am cancer free and that is the price I paid. Someday doctors will know how to cure cancer without doing their best to kill the patient. That day will not come soon enough. For any of you who want to learn more about cancer and its cures, read "The Emperor of All Maladies" by Siddhartha Mukherjee. It took me about a year after chemo before I could bring myself to read this book. If you have anyone close going through chemo or other cancer treatments, read it. If you are facing cancer, perhaps not. If you are in remission, read it.

On a brighter note, through chemo I lost weight, a little over twenty pounds by the end of chemo. The weight loss was primarily because I are less. Since chemo I have gained back weight to my pre chemo weight and more. I was up to 242. I managed to get off a couple of pound to 240 and that was when I read an article in The Atlantic in the June 2012 issue "The Perfected Self" and I realized I could take charge of this. I downloaded an app onto my iPhone - Lost It, and for the last month have been tracking calories and exercise. For me the key is seeing where calories are coming from and making food decisions that reduce the number of calories I am taking in. I have increased exercise, but not significantly. Mostly I am just traking what I eat. It is working, and in a month I have dropped 6 1/2 pounds. My goal is to lose 40 pounds by March 13 bringing me to 200.  The WII Fit says I should be at about 157 pounds. Sure, I was there once in hight school. Get real. Let's get to 200 and then we can talk about 180 maybe. If you are looking at any form of diet, take a look at the apps that will help bring about behavior modification. They can work.

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