Tuesday, June 19, 2012

More Pet Peeves

Rant on.

Drivers. Four way stop signs, hey people, pay attention to what you are doing. Notice who is at the four way with you. The one who arrives first, leaves first. If you arrive at the same time as someone else, the one on the right has the right of way. When it is your turn go already, are you waiting on an invite? Do do not have to wait for a car to be completely out of the intersection to move. Just be safe about it.

Traffic lights. Right turn on red AFTER you stop and look. Don't just roll through them an not even look. Stop signs. They mean STOP not roll or ignore. Do you have any idea where you are supposed to stop at a stop sign or traffic light? Ever notice that white line painted across the intersection? Gosh, it gives you a big clue. Do you know what you were supposed to learn in driver's ed? You stop behind that line or with the front of your car even with the stop sign, not with your rear wheels on the line and across the crosswalk. Did you notice the light turned green? That means you should go, now, not after the car in front of you has already left you far behind.

Turns. Usually you should make them from the right lane if you are turning right or the left lane if turning left. No stopping in  the middle of the street in the left lane and then making a right turn. Oh, and about that turn signal. They are useful to let other motorists know what you might be planning. Why do you hit your brakes when you are turning, even if you are going under 10 miles an hour? Your car can make the turn. For that matter, ever notice how for many people their slowest part of a turn is near the end of the turn? You slow down before the turn, and accelerate through the turn. Oh, and don't swing to your left before turning right! What are you thinking? Just turn right.

Bicyclists. Riding on the sidewalk? Then if you want to cross the street, get off your bike and walk it. If I am turning and you are rolling across the street from the sidewalk, don't assume I see you and will give up my right of way to you. You are supposed to follow the same rules as a motor vehicle and ride in the street. It is safer for you to ride in the street. And when on the street, don't assume you can blow through stop signs just because you also do it when in your car.

I feel much better now.

Oh! One more thing. Displays of corn at groceries. Don't walk up and peel down the husk and then toss the corn back. Do you even know what you are doing? I suspect not. Why would you do this and then walk away without even buying any? Pick up the corn, feel it through the husk, if it is firm and fresh buy it.

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