Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Our house as recorded by the Pinwide pinhole lens. This is a fun little lens that makes pinhole photography easy. In the past I have made pinhole cameras out of boxes, oatmeal cartons, and even a refrigerator box. I made a very nice one out of wood and used a 4x5 film back as the film holder. Sadly I lent this to a fellow COD student several years ago and that was the last of that!

With film pinhole cameras you exposed the film, guessing about the exposure and the composition. It wasn't until you got into the darkroom and developed your film, mostly regular photo paper, that you discovered what you have created. Using a digital camera changes all that! I can now see my composition as I set it up, and then as soon as I have exposed the image, I can see the results. This frees me do do lots of pinhole experimentation. No darkroom time - just look at the camera back and then later on the computer screen. Very satisfying!

Above are wine bottles at Binny's - also shot with the Pinwide. Quite a different look from this:

Which was shot using the EP-2 and 14-42mm lens. While using the glass lens provides more sharpness, it has a much shorted depth of field and give the image a very different feel. There are some subjects that will work well with the Pinwide and some that will not. I am looking forward to shooting in Paris with the Pinwide. I can see the Eiffel Tower now as I will photograph it in May.

Oh, I let the cat out of the bag? No, I think I mentioned Europe in May in an earlier blog. Yes, we are going to Paris, Riems, Barcelona, Sitges. We will a week with Katie, Jorge, Aliza, and Jason in Sitges. Good fun with good friends. And, besides wonderful food and wine, I will have many opportunities for great photographs.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kathy and Kevin and Brady came for the weekend - well they were here and gone and here and gone and here and gone, but we did have a nice visit. I got the opportunity for some Brady photos on Sunday after her first Wolves game. I suppose since Kathy and Kevin are both Wolves fans that Brady does not have an option! I will do my best to ensure this child is well documented with well composed, lit, and focused photographs. This proves that I don't always photograph cats.

This is an unintentional self portrait. Look at L.C.'s eyes and you can see the photographer at work. Cool! I took lots of pictures today using the new Pinwide lens and both the wide angle and telephoto zooms. Even though it was cold outside, the sun made it feel much warmer than the low 30s. I was able to comfortably shoot our blooming crocus and other things out doors. I also took the time to smoke a cigar and drink a beer (Spaten Optimater) - also outside of course.
Other than this Sharon and I have not been terribly productive today, mostly hanging inside taking it easy. We have both been surfing the Web and generallly up to no productive good. I did look at the AT&T site to inquire about upgrading to iPhones. It looks like $199 - whether you are a new AT&T customer or an old one. That just sucks! Then, try to figure out their data plans. Can they make it more complicated? Too many options and not enough answers.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Of course more kitty pictures! Shelby and L.C. napping on our bed. They do a lot of that.
This week was doctor visits and tests. Monday with the pulmonologist she expressed some concerns over my last x-ray, but after looking at the CT scan from last week she says I am OK but should let her know if I have any chest issues. Bottom line, the pneumonia from January is gone.
Tuesday I went to Elmhurst Hospital for a blood test and B12 shot. Also, I talked to my oncologist who reports the CT scan was clear and I have no signs of cancer. I see him again in three months and can plan on a CT scan in six months. My only concerns now are getting beyond all of the residual chemo side effects. My blog can now focus on life and living post chemo and post cancer.

Kathy and Kevin and Brady are here for the weekend. Surely there will be more Brady pictures posted here shortly. Aliza is here too! She has an interview tomorrow and asked if she could stay with us this evening. Of course!

This week I got a new pinhole lens for the Olympus EP-2 camera. As someone who has enjoyed pinhole photography in the past, it is pretty cool to have one for a digital camera. I've only shot a few images in the kitchen so far. I hope to get it out this Sunday. Here is one of the first shots. Pinhole lenses have very small openings and thus very high f-stops. This results in long exposure times and almost infinite depth of field. It will be fun to learn to use this lens. I also got a telephoto lens for the camera and I am now ready for most any photo situation on our travels and at home.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Today is the first day of spring and there are spring signs in our yard. The fish are waking up and the crocus or croci, or crocuses are coming up. With this I think it may be time to get the new blog up and going.

I have imported all of the old posts. This is now the place to come for all of ColbyJ's Ramblings - now up and running.

I have been out in the yard with the EP-2 and having fun photographing springs eruption. Sharon has been in the kitchen baking and we both have been sharing Champagne. I'd put this down as a good day so far!
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Last weekend we went to Davenport to visit Kath, Kevin, and Brady. We had a very nice visit and certainly enjoyed meeting Brady! I had fun photographing the Knox Bunch and have posted most of the results on the Picasa page. Go visit!

I am still fighting neuropathy, tender nails, sore body, and such. I had a CT scan last week and am waiting on the results. My new oncologist reports some concern from my last blood test indicating monoclonal gamopathy and I will have more blood tests on Tuesday relating to that. I also start monthly B12 shots on Tuesday. Fun, fun fun!
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

The kitties have a new favorite nap spot - side by side on Sharon's pillow. If we don't cover it in the morning before we leave, Sharon will have a major allergy attack in the evening. Aren't they cute?

Sharon cut my hair today - a #2 on top and #1 1/2 on the sides. Last time around the #1 1/2 was almost too long for the top. Today the #2 was perfect. My hair is indeed growing! My eyebrows are bushier than they were before chemo and I have hair in spots that have not seen hair in years.

Continuing issues are neuropathy in my fingers and the soles of my feet, aches and pains all over that come and go, I can still feel the spot where the cath port was removed, fingernails still slowly growing out (but no more to come off), and toenails coming off - just on my big toes and the little toe on my right foot. Also, my strength and stamina is not fully back. Complain, complain complain!

I started using an exercise ball for my hands this week. It is too early to report on results. I have an appointment with my new Oncologist, Dr. Eisner, tomorrow. I'll drop all my issues on him and see what he says. I think physical therapy may be good for the nerve issues. He will likely schedule me for a PET-CT scan. More later!

Today is a day off and we are having pre Fat Tuesday crab cakes today. Sharon will back some bread, we'll make a salad and Steve and Marge are coming over. I should come up with a Mardi Gras cocktail! The weather is chilly but nice today - partly cloudy. I think is may be a Cognac and cigar day in the yard.
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