Thursday, April 27, 2017

Tired of Blood Tests

How many times and how often do I really need the same blood tests? I had blood tests last Friday, and then again on Tuesday, and I will have more next week. I am tired of being stuck. 

Yesterday I was also stuck for a bone marrow biopsy. I took an Ativan 30 minutes before the procedure - should have taken it sooner. At least the Nurse Practitioner who did the biopsy listened to me when I told her it often took a little more time and a little more Lidocaine to have full effect on me. When she hit me with a needle a little too soon and I let out a big "ouch" she hit me with more Lidocaine and waited a bit more. But still, when they hit you with the drill in your pelvis and then extract bone marrow, no amount of Lidocaine helps. Even Ativan needs some help. I wonder how many more of these I am going to have to endure?

1 comment:

  1. Try making appointments for massage after your tests.
