Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Sunday - After Cycle Four

As I said in my last entry, this last cycle was a hard one. Today is Easter Sunday, the third day after the cycle and I am feeling much, much better. I have energy again and am feeling pretty good. 

Sharon is off at Orange Theory getting her exercise on and I am piddling around the house. I rearranged the loft - again. It is a long narrow area and I keep trying to make it a combination TV room/music room. It works for music but is too narrow for two chairs to sit in front to the TV. Narrower chairs? It is the smallest loft I have seen in a home!

Now that Sharon is back from exercise we will be off seeking a late breakfast/brunch/lunch somewhere in Longmont. We'll try City Cafe first, then is not there Comida. If we strike out we can always come home!


Calcots & Romesco


Longmont Farmers Market Entertainment


Longmont Farmers Market




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