Saturday, April 15, 2017

Easter Bunnies

This morning I watched two Easter Bunnies tossing eggs in and around the greenbelt behind our house. They were disguised as somewhat regular people but I knew they were really Easter Bunnies. When they were done a crowd of adults and kids appeared and shortly later they were running around collecting eggs. They seemed to have fun.

This week was the last of my four cycles of R-CEOP chemo and it was the toughest by far. I think it was a tough one because in addition to the chemo I had a large number of additional blood tests, a Pulmonary Function Test, an Echocardiogram, a meeting with the Psychologist, a meeting with the Apheresis doctor, a meeting with the Transplant Coordinator, a meeting with a dietician, and all this compounded by scheduling issues on Thursday. It wore me out and I am still tired. The next step in this process is another bone marrow biopsy and a PET scan. I am pretty much OK with or just resigned to all of this but am having mental issues with the catheter they will put in me and which I will have to live with for three to six months. This makes me nervous - more so than much of the rest of the process. IF you want to know about the process go back to the blog entry where I linked to an article by the American Cancer Society explaining the stem cell transplant process. I have been approved for the stem cell transplant - apparently by both Medicare and my doctor. Now we just go through the steps as outlined on the previous blog entry with my schedule.

Oh, we now have new wills, a revocable trust, various powers of attorney, final directives, living wills, and all those other things we need to to keep all the lawyers and financial institutions happy. Sharon and I both requested parties when we are gone and I specified bourbon drinking. I think we will both the fertilizing trees some day.

We continue to enjoy the new Camaro both top up and top down. It makes the round trips to the hospital a lot more fun. Sharon has set the high speed record at 94mph. She likes the fact that she can easily pass most anything on the road and enjoys the handling.

We found California spring onions at Whole Foods this week and made our version of calcots They turned out great and Sharon's romesco sauce was perfect. I am glad I still have some taste buds to enjoy treats like this. Here's to feeling better in the next couple of weeks.




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