Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Moving Blues

As I pack I have the feeling that there is more and more to pack. I know I am making progress, but there are days when I can't see it. Today I started on the attic. There did not seem to be that much up there, but I filled one almost empty plastic bin, plus two book boxes, the toy chest, and another medium box, plus brought photo items to the basement to pack and a couple of items for Goodwill. It appears to be all done, but...

I Packed more than one box of books from the cubby on the stairwell, and a full box of CDs and another with CDs and other items, plus a whole book box from our big built in. But, when I look, there seems to be as much there as when I started.

Yesterday I was in the garage and basement. I moved wood scraps from the basement and garage onto saw hourse. I packed two medium boxes with garage things and made another pile for Goodwill, I gave Sharon's bike to Luciano today and I swear the garage looks as full as it was before.

I filled two boxes of books for the Treasure Chest and have two boxes of crystal for them, but it hardly makes a dent!

The radon detector people came today. They say I have to keep all windows closed for two days! Sheesh! And, the have to put a detector in the front room because it is on a slab, the back room because it is on a crawl space, the middle bedroom because the bump out is over a crawl space and did I say I have to keep all the windows closed? What a pain. But we have to have radon testing done for all house sales - and guess who pays for it? We do! Bullshit. I suppose since it is in the 50s and will be raining tomorrow I can deal with it. I do find it hard to sleep with windows closed.

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