Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I Have A Dream

I have a dream. We will get a full price offer on our house, 60 day close, no contingincies. A nice dream.

Yesterday our agent came with a photographer and they rearranged much of the house for photographs. They did the attic and everything on the first floor. Afterwards I tried to put things back in place. It is odd being in here though. I have removed so much that I am hearing echos as I move around the house. The living room, dining, room, and the attic are especially prone to echos.

I've finished the attic and main floor and the laundry room. I've still got a lot of work to do in the basement as well as odd and ends in the rest of the house. Starting tomorrow, I have to make sure the house is ready for showings each day. Bed made, kitchen clean, no dishes in sink, no shoes or clothes left aroound. I like it neat but this is going to be hard.

Yesterday I drove to Elmwood Park to see Bernard and to give him a box of stamps from Stan Meade. Bernard seems to be doing well and was appreciative of the stamps. His house is packed with stuff. He collects so many different things and they are everywhere.

The drive from Glen Ellyn to Elmwood Park then back to Menards and then on to Fresh Market and finally home had me thinking about urban sprawl. The entire trip was though congested urban areas. I am looking forward to being in Colorado to get away from this. Yes, you can certainly find that in the Denver area, but where we will be we can avoid moost of it.

I read today that Illinois has the second highest property tax rates in the country. Gosh, at the top when Illinois genrally ranks at the bottom of many lists. We are also first with the highest number of local governments in the nation - 6,994 local governments. Illinos is dead last in funding of public pensions.


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