Thursday, March 10, 2016


As I lay on the CT scan table today I thought that our lives are a series of events. Some we look forward to and some we dread, but then we are in them and then through them. I dread these scans, the IV, the Iodine infusion, the aftermath, and then the results.

I try not to worry about events, thinking that planning is more useful than worry. However, as much as I don't want to worry, I do. My current worry, or dread, is moving. I want to move but the process is rough! Getting our house ready to put on the market has been a pain and taken longer than I tought. I still have a lot to do - almost all in the basement. Once we have a contract on the house I can get down to more packing and also looking at moving companies. Of course there is also the issue of showing and selling the house. Nerve racking. Will it sell quickly? Terms? How soon do we have to be out? The house has been on the market for only a few days and I have had to leave multiple times as it has been shown. I still have lots of work to do to clean out the basement. Don't make me leave! I'm up to 10 trips to Goodwill. They know me now.

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