Sunday, June 22, 2014


I watched a movie this past week that touched me in several scenes. (The Emporer, 2012 - Tommy Lee Jones) Near the end, General Fellers was reading letters written by Aya and saved by her uncle. What touched me was that these were letters, hand written on paper, that could be touched and felt and read and kept. When is the last time you wrote a letter? Received one? A long time for me. How about just writing on paper? These are skills we are losing. I write this on an iPad with a Bluetooth keyboard. I could even dictate it if I wanted and would not have to type. What are the chances of someone saving my writings and re-reading them after I am gone on whatever device they may me using? Photographs are facing a similar fate to letter wrting. We've gone digitl from beginning to end of the photographic process. I've got albums of photographs which include photos of my great grandpartents and other relatives. Some I cannot even identify but I can still hold them, touch them, enjoy them. Not so digital images. They end up in albums on my hard drive and on Google+ and Facebook but all in digital form - not something you can touch and feel.


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