Tuesday, June 17, 2014


We are still setting into the routine of home. Sharon has been off to Boulder and now also to Racine. I've been trying to catch up on yard work and moving photos off of the camera's SD cards. Of course the cats are happy we are back and they have forgiven us for leaving them for so long.

Big changes in my life start tomorrow. Cataract surgery day. My left eye is first and I am of course nervous but also ready to do it. I believe I have written about this before, but this is a big step for me. I have worn glasses since I was two years old, and have worn contact lenses since I was 15. My left eye is considerably worse than my right eye, and I also do not have full vision across my left eye - it is as if there is a hole in my vision. Because of this I have alsways relied on my right eye for the majority of my vision - reading especially. Thus the nervousness about the surgery. The big change for me will be not needing to rely on glasses to see. Now, without my contacts or my glasses I am lost and cannot focus on anything near or far. Everything is a blur. After surgery, I should beable to see in mid to long distance without correction and only need glasses for near or reading. This will be a major adjustment.

This past weekend we drove up to St. Paul for a graduation party for Audra and Claire Dunvan. They have been part of our lives since they were infants and it is always a joy to spend time with them. I suspect now that they are college graduates we will se a bit less of them. We wish the best of success to both of them.

At the bus stop leaving Sitges, a rainbow.


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