Thursday, June 19, 2014

Cataract Surgery Stage One

Yesterday I had cataract surgery on my left eye, remove natural lens and replace with an interocular lens. Today I am amazed at my ability to see brighter colors and to see without correction.

I did not realize how cataracts had changed my view of the world. Whites were not white anymore - they were yellow. Today I can look at a white wall or a piece of paper with my left eye and see bright white and with my right eye, beige or yellow. As the day goes on I realize more and more how the cataracts not only changed my visual acuity but also my perception of colors. I didn't know! Whiter whites! Bolder colors!

Original cat trap
Alternative cat tap

I've got some healing to do and my brain has to adjust to my new vision, but so far this experience has gone well and appears to be as life changing as I anticipated. I suspect my photography will change also as I see the world more clearly and brighter now.


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