Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sharon's Home!

Sharon did her ususal Monday to Thursday in Fairlawn, Ohio but then had to tack on three nights in Atlanta. Her brother passed away on Monday and Sharon joined with his family for a service. Sharon had not planned to go, but one of her nieces requested and Sharon, forever the good aunt and friend, said yes. I missed her and was thrilled when I got to pick her up at O'Hare this morning. I am a new man this afternoon with her in the kitchen with me. I can deal with her gone Monday through Thursday but adding a Friday and Saturday was too much.

What is that in the photo you ask? Sweet potatoes grown in a container on our patio. I use sweet potato plants on the patio because they provide beautiful foliage displays in planters. Little did I know I was also farming sweet potatoes. We will cook them and see how home grown sweet potatoes taste.

The photo above is our cranberry liqueur in process. The cranberries have been in the vodka for a week and today I am straining and bottling. After straining I will add some simple syrup and then bottle it.

  • Want the recipe?
  • 1 pound cranberries
  • 1 cup sugar

Add a little water and cook the mixture, stirring, until the cranberries begn to pop. Take off the heat and let this cool for a while.

Put the cooked cranberries in an large glass jar and add:

1.75 Litre bottle of vodka

Zest of 1 orange

Cover and let it sit for a week.

Strain and add simple syrup to taste. Bottle and enjoy.

Required Cat Photo


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