Tuesday, October 29, 2013

After a Couple of Stone IPAs

Why are people around me at the bar drinking Miller Lite? Water beer, not really beer, no flavor, low alcohol, blah. Why don't they drink real beer? Is it because they don't know what real beer is? Is it a challenge to their taste buds? All their friends drink water beer and they want to fit in? Is it the only beer they have had since they were 15? Makes no sense to me. But I suspect if you looked at the rest of their lives,  there are no challenges and everything they think and do and eat and drink is as blah as their beer.

1 comment:

  1. Chain Breaker. It's a white IPA, whatever that means, but it's pretty good. I like IPAs (as does my son), although I may have been drawn to them because the "India" part of IPA makes me think of the 19th-century British occupation of India, and while I don't support that, as a former English major with an interest in Victorian literature, I sort of enjoy the sentiment. And the taste.

    As Spike once said in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "There are many fine American lagers. This is not one." And he drank blood.
