Monday, January 28, 2013

Wow, can you believe this weather?

Cat on Radiator, Snow on the Ground

This week we have seen very cold temperatures with lows in the single digits early in the week, then almost and inch of snow (first of the season and it is January!) then on Sunday sleet and freezing rain, then rain with a little thunder and lightning thrown in. This morning I woke up to our thermometer reading 53º after delicately treading on ice in 32º to get into the house last night. Extremes, they can be fun and exciting or they can be dangerous. This week promises to provide us with more interesting weather with more cold and snow coming after a couple of mild days. It is Chicago and it is winter after all - though a very unusual winter.

Yesterday was Anika's birthday - 9 years old! I asked her if there were 37 candles on her birthday cookies and she informed me that she is 9 and not 37. It appears that Anika had a fun birthday. And I was thrilled that she was willing to talk to me on the phone! Usually she does not want to talk but on her birthday she did - thanks Anika! John has promised to post more pictures. I will post a link to them when available.

Also yesterday because of our lovely weather Sharon made seven beautiful loves of bread. I think she was more productive than I as her loaves were both lovely and delicious. We delivered loaves to neighbors and took some to the Gramas house. My day was an easy combination of reading, looking at bills that are or will be due this month, and photographing strawberries and bread. We finished that day with a fun meal at the Gramas house.
Today I am procrastinating by writing on this blog and editing some photographs. My real task for the day is to be Colbyetta and do some cleaning. I did the bathroom then managed to divert myself! Vacuuming and mopping are on the agenda. I suppose I should get to them so I can get into the workshop and do some cleaning there as Colby not Colbyetta. But then I was thinking of moving some things in the studio then setting up a backdrop or two for some still life photography. Tell me, how to I trigger my studio flash with my EP-2 which does not have a built-in flash or a PC connector? This gives me a new procrastination method!


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