Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mole Poblano

Yesterday Sharon spent quite a bit of time making mole poblano and then cooked turkey breasts in the mole which she took to the Bistro to serve to the staff for comida. I suspect they were all very happy because we had it for dinner tonight and it was delicious. She is an wonderful cook and wife even after 23½ years! We had the mole poblano with turkey breast, black beans with onion and vinegar and tortillas.

I made stuffed jalapenos as an appetizer. Have you seen the size of jalapenos in the stores lately? They are huge! I stuffed them with a combo of chorizo, cream cheese, and a bit of cheddar. They were tasty despite their size.

I use two different apps for blogging on my iPad and neither one of them includes a spell checker. I find this to be a major pain. Generally my spelling is pretty good, but my typing is suspect. Anyone out there have a suggestion for a blogging app that includes spell checking?

Now on to my daily weather update. It got cold here! All day it has been in the 20s. I suppose winter has come back, even without the snow I long for. Ice has formed on the,pond again. Oh, and on the topic of the pond; normally the water level stays up because of the accumulation of snow on the ice. This year with the lack,of snow, the pond level is down. There is plenty of water so I am am not concerned and the fish seem to be fine, but is indicative of our lack of moisture this year.

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