Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I have recently busied myself in final preparations for our trip to Paris, Reims, and Sitges. I've reconfirmed our hotel reservations - and in the process almost made additional reservations in Reims! I've bought TGV tickets from Paris to Reims and back. Interestingly, First Class to Reims was $2 more than Economy - let's go First Class. And on the return, First Class was a lower fare. It was cheaper to get to Reims than to return to Paris. I've made plans from the bus from Orly to Invalides where we can walk to our hotel. I've got the metro routes figured from the Paris hotel to Gare d'Est. Gare d'Est to Orly is still in the air - have not planned that one yet. Getting from Barcelona to Sitges - we may have to take a taxi - at 50 or 60 euros because we are getting in too late for a bus. We will have to do a taxi from Sitges to the airport when we leave because that is an early flight. I think about all of these things because I like to have everything planned. And then I am concerned that I have forgotten something!

I've signed us up for a Skype phone number so we can use Skype to make and return calls while we are there for far less than AT&T will charge. The number is 630-984-5588. We can send text message from Skype also - but not receive them. I also signed us up for Boingo Mobile. With this $7.95 subscription we get WiFi at O'Hare, Madrid, Barcelona, and Orly - plus any other Boingo hotspots, and there are loads of them. Seemed like a good deal.

The iPhone is loaded with all the apps and information I think we can use on the trip. I've printed tickets and copies of passports and itineraries. I've got the addresses and phone numbers of hotels. I've got lists of places to see in Paris - but I am lacking on Reims. I am thinking we might to a day trip from Reims to Epernay, but I have not delved into that yet. We need to visit some Champagne houses. Oh, and there are now trams in Reims that I have not researched yet. I suppose we can do that when we get there.

I've got all the electronics such as charges and adapters organized. Cameras, and memory cards, and readers are sorted out. I've got enough gigabytes for perhaps two or three thousand photos. That should be enough don't you think? I'll do my best to upload photos to Picassa as we travel. I don't plan on doing as much on Facebook as I have in the past. Blogger and Picassa should do it - so watch them for updates. You can subscribe or become a follower of this blog. I will access everything from my iPad and iPhone. It is an Apple trip!

With most of the planning behind me I can enjoy the trip. Sharon and I are both in need of this vacation. This will be my first travel since last spring and the first since my cancer diagnosis and chemo. I am looking forward to taking it easy while seeing places I want to see and visit. The only firm plans are the cities we are visiting and the travel between them. The rest will be somewhat serendipitous. We both are looking forward to new discoveries as they happen.

I did make it out of the house today and spent some time at the Arboretum. Visit my Picasa page for more pictures. Here is a teaser.

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