Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tasting Spirits. At Binny's we have a number of bottles of liquor open for tasting. As I have observed people tasting I have noticed that there are very few who know how to taste a spirit. Most people simply drink it down - no nosing, no "chewing", no savoring, just drinking. And, if they are trying more than one, unless I pour only one at a time, people do not consider which spirit should be tried first.
This week a customer asked to try a Laphroaig 19 year old and a Brackla 12 year old. Very different Scotches with VERY different character. I did not know nothing about the Brackla and nosed it after I poured it. I set the Brackla down next to the Laphroaig in front of the customer and recommended that he try the Brackla first because it was likely a Speyside or Lowland and the Islay Laphrooaig would overwhelm it. He commenced to down the Laphroaig and then immediately the Brackla. He had no idea what he was doing.
Unless you take a moment to smell what you are drinking and consider what and how you are drinking it, you cannot fully appreciate it.

Tomorrow night is Whiskeyfest Chicago. Needless to say I am looking forward to this and I will be nosing and tasting spirits and paying attention to what I am tasting.

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