Sunday, April 24, 2011

Last week I attempted to update this and my iPad ate my update. I blame it on neuropathy - I'm typing along and have a couple of paragraphs down and then the screen is blank. I don't do this on a regular keyboard, only the iPad keyboard. I suspect the difference is that on the iPad there is no tactile feedback whereas on a regular keyboard there is. I have thought of getting a bluetooth keyboard for the iPad but then, the iPad is just another laptop.

Random pedantic thoughts. Stop signs. The law states that you stop at stop signs. Most of us have somehow forgotten the meaning of stop. The law says when you stop at a stop sign, the fron of your car should be even with the stop sign or the white line painted on the pavement. Most people seem to stop with their back wheels even with the stop sign or their back wheels on the white line. Damn the pedestrians!

Health update. My hair continues to grow. I believe that my facial hair grows faster than it used to. The neuropathy continues to be an issue in my hands and feet. I can still feel issues with the site of the cath port, but it is no longer painful. My Oncologist has not called to give me the results of my blood and urine tests for....whatever it was he was looking for. I had my second monthly B-12 shot this week. I can't say I feel any different after these injections. Good news - I can now usually button my left cuff and my collar buttons.

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