Sunday, April 24, 2011

Kevin is off on a job so Kathy and Brady came to visit this week. Brady is a wonderful baby and Kathy is a wonderful mom. We've had a nice visit and they will join us at the Gramas home for a traditional Greek Easter dinner. Fun for everyone!

Susanne Gramas came over on Friday and with Sharon prepared Baklava and Tres Leche Cake for Easter dessert. Sharon is now working on Galaktoboureko and Mount Pelion Cheesebread. The former is made with pastry cream and phylo and the Mount Pelion is bread with feta inside. Both are delicious and we are in for a wonderful dinner. We have bottles of Greek Rosé wine, Retsina, and a couple of bottles of Rosé Cava chilled and ready to go. Rosés and especially Greek Rosés seem to be the appropriate Greek Easter wines. Did you know that Greek Easter is not always on the same Sunday as Western Easter? Different calendars.

Spring continues to happen in our yard. Hostas are sprouting, dandelions are coming up, birds are singing, and the gold fish are swimming. We have a huge crop of maple trees sprouting all over the yard so there is plenty of cleanup to do. Since I am starting my part time schedule at Binny's this week perhaps the weather will hold and I can spend some time in the yard. If not, there is plenty to do inside the house. Hmmm, Ginger, Cathy, and Audra will be here Wednesday night on their way from the Univversity of Michigan to St. Paul. We've got to get a couple of bedrooms ready to go. In our house rooms not in use seem to fill up with everything from the rooms in use. The back bedroom now has the bed covered with items from the back room that had to be moved to make room for the new bookshelves that Lee built and installed.

Oh, before I forget, last week when the iPad and my fingers made my update vanish, I was writing about Whiskey Fest. Sharon gave me two tickets for my birthday. Larry and I drove down their together and Sharon met us and drove us home. Whiskey Fest was a lot of fun and we both tried a number of new and old Bourbons and Scotches. We also tried some whiskies that we would not ordinarily taste because of their high price. We ran into and visited with distillers, vendors, customers, and people we used to work with. Thank you Sharon.
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