Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

It has been a lazy start for 2011 - at least for me though not Sharon. On New Year's Eve I chilled at home with Kathy and Kevin while Sharon worked her tail off at Bistro Monet until about 1:30am. Kathy and I were going to take a bottle of Champagne over there at midnight, but my pizza dinner decided to rid me of any thoughts of leaving the house.

On New Year's Day we saw K and K off and then had a nice breakfast (at noon). Sharon headed to the restaurant later and I watched football and napped. When Sharon came home she made black eyed pea risotto! It was delicious. Our New Year's Day tradition has been to have some sort of black eyed pea dish. This was a tradition I brought with me from Texas and learned from my parents.

Tomorrow I head for Central Du Page Hospital for a pulmonary function test. I have had to use the inhaler three times since I got it and I have been grateful. Other than lung issues the remaining issues with chemo are the neuropathy in my hands. My nails look horrible and some of them are barely hanging on - but they will not just come off. Damn. Hair is growing back on my head and face and even eyebrows. No more nausea. A little more energy. I am getting better.

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