Monday, October 31, 2016

Basement Progress

The framing is up and the electrical is run. We added a sub-panel with 60 amp service and installed outlets at countertop level around the basement. We also added boxes for additional ceiling lighting. Next step is a visit from a City of Longmont building inspector.

I am working on assembly of the Murphy bed upstairs in the bedroom/office. This keeps me out of the hair of workers in the basement. But on the other hand, as I need tools for working on the Murphy bed, I can't find them in the basement! Where is that caulk gun? I know I've seen it. The bedroom gets pretty darn small when you have it filled with bed parts. Oh, the iron? That's for putting edge veneer on the oak plywood sheets. And, speaking of oak plywood, this stuff from Lowes is terrible. Really poor quality with a very thin veneer of oak and what feels like waves under the veneer. If I am going to do more furniture, I have to find another source.


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