Tuesday, September 13, 2016

More House Stuff

A damp, cloudy, cool Longmont morning. This is what I saw as I looked out the bedroom window. No mountains to be seen but the pond looks good.

Today I am working on a project for the back porch - a "grilling station". To me it is a rolling cabinet I can use for grilling item storage and a top for holding things as I grill. All cedar and it should look good. The plans I am using call for an open back and front, but I am closing the back and will add a door on the front.

Wednesday, finished except for a door and stain. Got the lumber, got the hinges, got the stain. Tomorrow! Let's hear it for my helpers.

Finished. Door on, jalapeño knob on, stained. The top is two pieces of 12" x 24" tile. They can stand up to heat and dirt and are removable. Now, back to kitchen cabinet slide out shelves. Only two to go. Then on to jewelry drawers for the master bedroom closet, a corner shelf for the half bath, kitchen drawer dividers, bathroom drawer dividers, a murphy bed, and the big one - cabinets and shelves in the office. 


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