Thursday, September 1, 2016

Living In Longmont

Some random thoughts on living in Longmont.

Utility expenses are much lower here than in Glen Ellyn. I just looked at our combined water, wastewater, trash and recycling, and electric bill for mid-July through mid-August. $148.00. We would have paid that just for water and trash in Glen Ellyn. Our gas bill was about $16.00. Granted, this time of year we are only using the water heater and stove, but this is very reasonable.

On the other had, how about getting cars registered? The Miata was under $100 - license and fees and new title. Not too bad. The new Jeep however was almost $750. The clerk at Boulder County said they stick it to you on new cars for about the first four years.

Weather? I have certainly enjoyed the weather here. I see the sun almost every day. This past week has given us clouds in the morning but then sunshine the rest of the day. Right now we can sit outside in the late afternoon and enjoy sun and cooling breezes at the same time. We have had one big rainstorm since we arrived, and a couple of smaller storms. Generally though, warm during the day, comfortable or cool at night and almost always sunny.

Longmont is easy to get around and Boulder is a short drive down the road. I would be happier if Whole Foods was open in Longmont now instead of in a few months. My shopping is spread between Sprouts, Natural Foods, and occasional trips to Safeway during the week. Whole Foods is a weekend trip.

We are finding restaurants we enjoy in Longmont, Loveland, Boulder and beyond.

Then yard looks good with our low maintenence rock and pots and pond. The interior is comfy in the living area and our designer bedroom. Our bedroom with a new bed and sidetables and comfy chairs looks and feels like a hotel room. I find it very nice. I've got art on the walls in the living area, the upstairs hallway, and the guest bedroom. Everything else is bare for now.

My workshop is a hodgepodge right now but I am getting things done. My first project of pull out shelves for the kitchen cabinets is moving along. And should be done in a couple of weeks. Then I move on to my other jobs.

All in all I would say we are settling in. 


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