Sunday, March 29, 2015

Remiss Again

Sometimes I think I am as lazy as Shelby! I have not kept up with the blog and even did a really bad job while we were in Costa Rica. Except for uploading pictures the Costa Rica blog was a bust.
Our spring in Chicago has been a bust also. A couple of weeks ago we had a surprisingly warm day and then the bottom dropped out. Since the official start of Spring we have had snow twice and the temperatures struggle to get out of the 30s. As. Sharon just said, even though the temperature has made it to 40 there is still ice on the pond. Each night it freezes over then may or may not thaw during the day.
We are seeing some normal signs of Spring. Robins have appeared, we saw a blue jay yesterday, I sighted my first chipmunk today, and crocuses (croci?) are pushing up and trying to flower. I have also seen tulips and day lillies pushing up.
In 19 days Katie Soler and I head for Sitges. I am both excited and almost nervous about going asI will be gone from home for about six weeks and will be Sharonless for four weeks. Sharon will be flying to Paris on May 16 and I will take the train from Barcelona to meet her. There will be no excuse for me not to blog a log on this trip.
We did have a fun and very relaxing trip to Costa Rica. Our condo was luxurious and we were very comfortable there. We had a lovely view, and a steep climb up from the beach! Most of our evening meals were in the condo - easy to do when talented foodies get together. We spent time at the beach, time at the pool, time wandering, time having cocktails. Yep, a good time.
We flew over Cuba on our way from Liberia to Miami. Beautiful. But, then check out the ice on the lake as we approached Chicago!
And to finish for today, I have a pork butt on the Traeger grill. I just we t out to check on it and put my iGrill thermometer in. It is raining out there and the rain is chunky. That's what happens when it is 34° on a spring morning!

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