Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A New Tool

I got a new camera this week. A Panasonic LX100. Wow have they packed a lot of ability into a small package. I have spent a couple of days reading the manual, setting custom settings on the camera, and taking pictures. I want to have this camera nailed before I head for Sitges. This camera is not intended for the casual photographer, though you can set it for fully dumb automatic and hand it off to someone who will only need to point and shoot. This camera is very capable with features galore. I can easily set it for either full automatic, or aperture priority, or shutter priority, or fully manual. Many overrides are available and easy to access. It has a wonderful lens with f1.7 at the widest aperture. It should work great in low light. So far, two features have stood out - the electronic viewfinder and the level or alignment indicator. My last new high end digital camera, the Olympus Pen EP2 had these but they are much improved on the LX100. Five years of improvements in digital cameras is significant. Bottom line, top of the line lens, great features, great feel in the hands, well laid out, highly configurable, easy to carry.
The LX100 will replace the Olympus on this trip and take less room. With the Olympus. I carried three lenses and a flash and the EVF plus batteries and charger etc. The Panasonic has a built in 24mm to 75mm lens. I am giving up a lot on the long end, but I used my short telephoto primarily on the Olumpus. The flash is smaller on the Pana and the EVF is integrated. The battery charger takes less room because there is no cord. This means the Pana is more mobile - it will fit in my murse (barely.)


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