Sunday, February 22, 2015

Off To Costa Rica

Sharon and I are off on vacation together. We are heading to Tamarindo, Costa Rica for a week of fun in the sun with the honeymooners, Larry Dunivan and David Gibson. Rebecca ? As I start this, we are on flight from Chicago to Dallas and thanks to Sharon's American Platinum status, we are in First Class. The only way to fly. We are 1st and 2nd on the list for upgrades on our flight from DFW to Liberia. Ahhh, mimosas then breakfast to start the day!

We were not so lucky on our second flight - no 1st class upgrades to be had. This is an Airbus 319, a short plane and it only has 8 seats up front. Even though we were 1 and 2 on the upgrade list, there was no room for us. We are at least in an Exit row and have plenty of leg room, though the window seat has no armrest and the Exit window has an obnoxious handle sticking out. Could be worse! We are on vacation.


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