Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Back To Blogging?

Another dry spell. I am now on a flight from Chicago to Los Angeles on the way to Redmond, Oregon to see Avery and Anika for their birthdays. I was prompted to open this editor and type because as I was leave the lavatory on this new Boeing 737, I noticed there was a pop-out ashtray in the door. Why? You cannot smoke on an airplane. You certainly cannot smoke in the lavatory of an airplane why is there an ashtray? One of life's little riddles.
Listening to Nora Jones right now. I should look up the music for some of her songs, I think my voice would work for them. Research time.
Sometimes a blog is a stream of consciousness and that seems to be the case today. Recently I have had numerous occasions when I had a desire to open the blog and write, but something always comes up to distract me. One of the joys of having Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. And no, I do not have ADHD because I don't think I have ever been hyper active, as a child or as an adult.
There are all new seats on this aircraft, leather or a reasonable facsimile. There are screens in the back of every seat and an outlet for 110v, a headphone jack, a USB port and some other connector. Pretty fancy. I paid extra for an exit row seat and I am very happy with the legroom.
I am using the built in screen to watch our progress and it appears we are currently right over the Grand Canyon. Can't see it, but there it is on the map.
Want to talk neuropathy? Probably not but it is a topic I cannot seem to get away from. My feet continue to be somewhat numb on the soles, and I am pretty much resigned to that being their regular state from now on. My fingers though seem to run through the range of being overly sensitive, partially numb, sometime tender and sore, and my hands do not want to make fists. I cannot tightly close my hands. My hands get much better after I see Melody, my naturapath, but then in a week or so I do something which gets them going again. It does bother me to play the ukulele but I play through it and soon forget the pain.

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