Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Storm Wrap Up

Sunday I did the first house keeping since our days without electricity. Boy did we do a fine job messing the house. I couldn't believe how dirty the hardwood floors were - and the cats left me a fine mess of cat hair everywhere. The main rooms are presentable and now I can work on other things!

Yesterday, Monday, I tackled the yard and tried to make it look a little better. I think I'll be picking up twigs for months. Evey time I walk through the yard I pick up a handful of twigs that blew out of the maple trees and then a little later I find more and perhaps a branch in the bushes. I mowed, weeded, and watered also, the drought is not helping our shrubs and flowers. When even prairie plants that should do just fine with high heat and little water are looking bad you know you've got a bad drought going on.

The tree removal folks have not made an appearance - either from the village or the one we are using to take out the badly damaged maple. The limbs we have lining the parkway are slowly vanishing though. Folks have been scavenging firewood and have made quite a dent in our pile.

The insurance adjuster (or is that adjustor?) were here last Thursday but I have not seen anything from the insurance company yet.

We leave for China in two and a half weeks. July 27 to August 9. I am paying bills and looking at accounts to make sure we've got everything covered. Matt Olsen will be house sitting again. We've done the clothes shopping we need and have thought about what we are packing. I've got a pile of electronics and camera equipment collected on the dining room table. As usual we will have one roll-a-board each and one carry on. I suspect we will pack especially light for this trip because it will be so hot there. Light weight washable clothes, short sleeves and shorts. Plenty of shoes for me!

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