Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Photographing Anika

 Sometimes this is as good as it gets when trying to get a picture of Anika! While Avery is a ham, Anika can have her shy moments.

I had a great visit with them this past week from Wednesday through Saturday. Though the weather did not cooperate we found plenty to keep us occupied. This photo was taken at the Madras Aquatic Center - a great fun water spot for kids. They also offer lessons and other activities.

We also visited Fred Meyer for groceries and lotto tickets, and a birthday cake for Kristie, Walmart for books, 7th Street Brew pub for pizza and a burger - and beer for me, a few antique shops, Costco, Sam Johnson park, and more. No fishing for Avery and Colby this trip. Too cold and too wet. It even snowed on Saturday morning.

Oh, we visited a brewing store and I got a couple of hops rhizomes. Hopefully I'll have hops growing soon. I've got a good spot picked out on the corner of the garaage. Lots of sun, a place where I can build a trellis or other support for the hops, and it will not interfere with the rest of the garden. Happy hopping!

Photos are on Picasa if you are interested.
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