Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sichuan Style Shrimp Stir Fry

Sichuan Style Shrimp Stir Fry

This was in Cook's Illustrated as Sichuan Stir-Fried Pork in Garlic Sauce. I made it once with the pork, following the recipe and it was great. I liked the sauce and thought it might work well with shrimp. The following is the recipe with the changes I made to make a version with shrimp. The chili paste is one of the keys to this dish - providing a little heat but not too much.

4 tablespoons rice vinegar
2 tablespoons sesame oil
2 tablespoons sherry
2 tablespoons ketchup

2 tablespoons fish sauce2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 cup water

Stir Fry
4 minced garlic cloves
One bunch scallions sliced thin
3 tablespoons chili bean paste - find this in most Asian sections of your local grocer
6 ounces of destemmed and sliced shitakes
A container of stir fry veggies from Whole Foods! I took the easy way out here. It contained a variety of bite sized veggies.
About 1 pound of raw, peeled shrimp.

1. Sauce - mix it all together and set aside.
2. Combine garlic, scallions, and chili paste in a bowl.
3. Heat some oil in your wok and cook the mushrooms until tender.
4. Add the garlic, scallion, chili paste mixture and cook for a minute or so.
5. Add the veggies and cook for a few minutes.
6. Add the sauce and continue to cook.
7 Add the shrimp and cook until done.
8. Serve over rice and garnish with some reserved scallion greens.


  1. It turned out well and was very tasty - even better for leftovers! I'll do this again.

  2. I'm looking a recipe for Shrimp Stir Fry because my husband requested this. I choose your recipe because I know this is delicious. I'm sure to be back here. Keep on sharing!
