Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Early Spring

Today was another warm one - over 80 once more. Sharon and I went over to the Arboretum to see what was blooming - this was in the East Woods section. I always enjoy this area in the spring for its early spring understory blooms. I thought today with the warmth and the blooming elsewhere that I would see blooming trillium and more. Nope. There are some trillium sprouting but they are a week or more from blooming. There were a few bright spots though - this photo shows one of them. I don't know what it is but it is tiny and pretty.

Over on the west side there were blooming trees all over as well as many daffodils in full bloom. Check out the Picasa page for samples.

During peak seasons at the Arboretum I am always amazed at a few of the drivers there. The road is wide enough for slower drivers to simply pull to the right, but few people seem to understand that and pull off the road, some rather dramatically. Others have not a clue that there are other drivers out there and will putter along at 10 miles per hour when the limit is 20 and I have somewhere I want to get to! The capper today was an old guy who pulled into a parking area but stopped in the lane to the area - not in the parking area. He blocked the road, stopped his car, got out, got his camera, and took pictures. If he had driven 20 feet more and pulled to the left or the right he would not have been a problem. But other cars had to drive over the grass to get around him and into the parking area. We share public roads with these people! Argh!!!
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