Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Going from scamming to scanning!

I've been cleaning up in the studio - which I have not used much in quite a while. As I clean and rearrange I am finding prints that want to be scanned. Being ADD has its benefits. I clean for a while, see a pretty print, and then scan for a while. They are all up on Picasa and some are also on Facebook if you want to take a look.

Junk Mail!

I just emptied the junk mail folder on my PC. 5140 messages accrued over the last two months. That is 85 messages a day that thankfully never make it to my Inbox.

These spammers must get a few fools who do not block the e-mails and sometimes fall for their spiels. Sad. Just leave me alone!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

No Snow?

Here we are on December 9th and no snow in Glen Ellyn. Tom Skilling says none is on the way within the next week and we are setting a record for the longest stretch in Chicago with no snow. We have gone from a drought from lack of rain to a snow drought. The weather today is wet and it is cold and yucky, but would we rather have snow? not to drive in certainly but it would brighten things up.

Yesterday I was watching Rick Bayless on TV and was envious of his grill, so I did a little research. I knew it was not going to be a cheap one but would you believe $20,000? Kalamazo grills and outdoor kitchen equipment are nice but expensive. I think I will stick with my Webers.

Today I have been addressing Christmas cards. We have not sent them out for a few years but we are this year! Also I bottled the two liqueurs we made for gifts - cranberry and a sort of mojito flavored liqueur I call Mojitocello. Sharon made a big batch of her famous, delicious BBQ sauce and is canning it as I type. And on top of this goodness we are have having turkey today. Sharon got a breast and browned it on the cooktop and it is now in the oven with herbs and veggies just a cooking away. We will enjoy it in a while with mashed potatoes, brocolli, and cranberry sauce. The leftovers will become turkey tetrazzini. There are also the beginnings of a couple of batches of cookies on the counter. Life is good at Casa Jordan.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Black Sunday

Sharon and I ventured out on Sunday and it wasn't too bad traffic wise! We went to the Container Store for some bottles as we are planning liquid Christmas gifts. Then we went to Standard Market in Westmont. It is supposed to be "The" new grocery but we were not impressed. Yes, it was nice looking, they have a nice upscale selection, there is a cafe, there is a wine bar (though there was no room for us - two guys with newspapers spread out took up on side of the bar and there was one other person in the middle of the other side.) And finally, they do not accept cash at the registers? No cash? Credit or debit only? What's with that?

Next stop Burlington Coat Factory. Colby needs a new casual mid weight jacket and we've had success here before. Not so this time, though I did find a couple of sweaters. As we walked out of the store Sharon and I agreed we did not have to come back to this store again. Sharon said that on-line shopping is the way to go for her! The store was just strange inside, as were many of the shoppers. After we got home I went online and found a jacket at Eddie Bauer plus their Black Weekend special was 30% off everything and free shipping for orders over $49.00. A deal, boom, we've bought a jacket and some leggings.
Back at Casa Jordan Sharon and I relaxed and began the prep for our Christmas gifts and our crab cake dinner. We are making Mojitocello and Cranberry Vodka or Cranberry Liquor. We zested about a dozen limes into a glass container and added a 1.75 liter bottle of white rum. This will sit for a couple of weeks and then we will add some mint for a few hours, then add simple syrup to taste, then give it another week before we bottle it. The cranberry brew is two packages of cranberries that I cooked in a little orange juice for a few minutes to pop open the berries. Then I added 1.75 litre of vodka. This will sit for a couple of weeks and then we will taste it and decide what to do - either strain and bottle or add simple syrup. I'll let you know how it turns out!

Shelby Radiating

Thanksgiving 2012

We had a delightful Thanksgiving this year. First, the Monday before Thanksgiving marked two years since I finished chemo. I am thankful that I don't have to deal with chemo any more - except for the neuropathy in my fingers and feet. My fingers do seem to continually but slowly improve though this morning they my fingertips and nails are very sensitive. My feet? That is another matter. I am not sure if I am seeing improvement or not. Some days, at both the beginning of the day and at the end of the day I can barely walk. I walk like an old man! But other than those two reminders I am well. I have to schedule a CT scan this week and hopefully it will be clean once more.

Back to Thanksgiving good news! Kathy, Kevin, and Brady came to visit from Wednesday through Sunday. It is always good to see them, and especially to see them all together because Kevin has been on the road so much lately. We were surprised he got to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with us.

On Thanksgiving day the Solers were all he along with Kelly. Also joining us was friends of Beth and Dave - Cathy and her daughter Hannah. Chris and Rich were here too - and Rich seemed to be feeling well. I've worried about him in previous visits because he has not looked or sounded well. This visit he was looking good and enjoyed a couple of beers.

We had cheese and olives and salsas and oysters for starters while Sharon prepared sides of corn puddings, roasted potatoes, and Brussels sprouts and kale salad. I concentrated on a seven bone rib roast and two salmon fillets. The rib roast fought with me! I originally planned to cook it on the Weber grill with charcoal but then decided the Weber smoker would be better. But after putting the roast on the roast rack and seasoning it in preparation for cooking, and then getting the charcoal going in the smoker, when I put the roast on, it was too wide for the smoker - sticking out on both sides. OK I thought, back to the charcoal grill. I got some charcoal going and the put the roast on the grill only to find the lid would not go on! I then removed the roast from the rack and put the beast on a sheet pan. Looking good - for a couple of hours. Then I got involved with things inside - setting the table etc. and when I went out to check the roast, I had let the charcoal go too long without refilling. I had to pull the roast and start another chimney of charcoal. Bad Colby. A while later the roast was up to about 115 degrees and I fired up the gas grill, brought it to 500 degrees and then finished the roast on the gas grill. I should have left it one a bit longer than I did but time was getting short. Next I moved to the salmon, I started it on the charcoal but the fire was too low, so I finished it on the gas grill and it was perfect. Dinner all came together at around 5:00 - only an hour late! Not bad for us.

We finished up with Sharon treats - bread pudding, chocolate bread pudding, and pecan pie. Katy brought pear pie - one of her specialties. Yum to all!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fall in the Arboretum

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And a Few more Days in Oregon

After Redmond Sharon and I headed west and north for more Oregon adventure. We left Redmond on a beautiful sunny morning and drove through Sisters, the Santiem pass to Salem. In Salem we stopped for lunch at a mom and pop hamburger spot. There were several Sheriff's vehicles there so we knew it was good - and it was.
This day was filled with driving, enjoying the scenery and a couple of winery visits. Our first winery was Amity. I visited here years ago and we both enjoy their wines. We had a nice visit, sampling a number of wines and ordering some to enjoy back home. We then went to Elk Cove for some more tastes and some more orders! We have been members of their club for a number of years and enjoy their wines, We sent six more bottles home. Our day's travels ended at McMenamin's Grand Lodge in Forest Grove. This is a funky hotel that was originally built in 1922 as a Masonic & Eastern Star home. One of their features is a theater where they show movies nightly. We watched the first Presidential Debate will sipping on cocktails and eating popcorn. Where was Obama?

The Amity kittie greets Sharon
Grand Lodge

David Hill Winery

On Thursday we headed out to find some wineries that we have neither visited or heard of. Of first stop was at David Hill. This winery is in a lovely setting and their wines are delicious. We ended up with orders for a case of Gewurztraminer and then several other wines, plus we joined their wine club.

Our next stop was a real oddity - Shafer Wines. Miki Shafer is the owner and winemaker. She and her husband planted vines on this property 40 years ago. He is gone now but she is still growing and making wines. She let us wander through her vineyards, answered a lot of questions about her grapes and her wines, and we bought for shipping some of her Pinot Noir and sparkling wine. A delightful lady and lovely place to visit and slow down.

Pinot Noir


After Shafer we headed back to town to find a lunch spot. We ended up at Izgara Middle Eastern Grill where we gorged on humus and falafel and olives and other good things. Delicious! We walked around downtown Forest Grove and found a gallery filled with art from local artists - Valley Art. We ended up with a Giclee print by Jane Aukshunas. When we travel we are always on the lookout for food related art that would look good in our home. This one fit the bill with bold colors, strong graphic design, and a scene of hazelnut trees and blackberry bushes!

Friday - on to Portland! We checked out of the Grand Lodge late in the morning and headed for the Portland airport where we dropped off the rental car. We rode the MAX light rail into downtown Portland. $5.00 for both of us and an interesting ride, elevated until it hit downtown and then at street level. It took about 40 minutes but at least we were not in Portland traffic which is terrible! We got off the train three blocks from our hotel, the Hotel Lucia. Wonderful! Great location, beautifully decorated with wonderful photographs by David Kennerly, comfy bed and pillows. A winner.

Next stop a bite to eat and cocktails! We wandered around downtown Portland looking for a likely spot and ran into the Red Star Tavern. We went for happy hour and stayed for dinner. Happy hour was great with drink specials and small plates. Dinner was even better. Colby and Sharon both agree that this restaurant is a must for a visit to Portland.

Saturday was another late start day for us. We had breakfast at The Original: A Dinerant. No complaints from us! Delicious. There are a lot of breakfast dining choices in downtown Portland this was close to the hotel and very good. After breakfast we went to the Portland Saturday Market. Many booths with food, crafts, junk, and art. We ate and drank our way through the afternoon in Portland. Our wanderings we taking us toward the Portland Art Museum but Colby needed a toilet break. We ended up in the Brasserie Montmartre for happy hour (Portland is a happy hour paradise!). We had olives and pommes frites and oysters and Tavel rose. What a way to wile away a couple of hours. Oh, and the toilets were in the basement just like in Paris.

Next stop wine bar! Oregon Wines on Broadway. We each had the "Reserve Sampler" which included wines from Colene Clemens, Domaine Serene, and Patricia Green. Then we had a glass of Shea Wine Celler's Estate Pinot Noir. This is a fun place with quirky ladies behind the bar and delicious wines. Another must do in Portland.

After a stumble to our hotel we headed to out dinner reservations at Huber's - the oldest restaurant in Portland. This place was established in 1879! We had a bottle of wine (what, more wine?) and Sharon had Huber's specialty, turkey. I had cioppino - one of the best I have had. After dinner we managed to find our way back to the hotel to pack in preparation for leaving at 6:00am on Sunday.

Early the next morning we walked to Pioneer Square to catch the light rail back to the airport. It was an uneventful ride and we checked our bags and went through security and on to breakfast. I was flying back to Chicago and Sharon was headed to Seattle and then on to Juneau so she could make a little money to pay for our adventures. Speaking of which, we had a grand time in Oregon despite both us us having colds. We will spend time again in Portland, and maybe even see more than the inside of bars and restaurants!

Portland Has Many Food Options!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ten Days in Redmond

I flew into Portland and drove to Remond on September 22 so that I could help John and Kristie feel better prepared for their wedding on September 29. Our goal was for me to help finish some projects in the house and run errands. I helped as much as I could and enjoyed my visit spending time with Avery and Anika and with John and Kristie.
On Sunday September 23 Avery and I paid a visit to a little lake in Bend and did some fishing. Avery brought a honking spinning rod and I brought a little 3 weight Fly rod. Avery caught his humongous bass on the fly rod. We had a good afternoon at the lake fishing, talking, eating lunch, and generally having a great time. At the end of the day Avery expressed an interest in having his own fly rod and as you see from the last photo in this edition of ColbyJ's Ramblings he now has one. I gave him mine - but I had to argue with him about it! He did not want to take my fly rod but he is thrilled to have it.
Check out that bass!
During the rest of the week I spent my days with painter's putty, tape, and primer, being the handyman. On Monday, Tuesday, and then Wednesday afternoon I picked up the kids after school and we amused ourselves at the park or shopping. I hope they had as much fun as I did!
Thursday and Friday were errand days with excitement such as trips to Costco with Kristie to stock up for the wedding party on Saturday. Sharon arrived in Redmond Thursday evening and on Friday evening we hosted a "Rehearsal Dinner" at Anthony's in Bend even though there was not a rehearsal! But, not before a trip to the nail salon for Sharon, Kristie, Anika, and Colby. Manis and pedis for Kristie and Anika, pedi for Sharon and mani for me. We were all stylin'.
Family started arriving on Thursday for the Saturday wedding, the house got busier and busier leading up to the 2:00 event at Stack's Park in Redmond. It was a lovely setting and Kristie's brother in law Terry did a fine job officiating. He has a future here!
Avery, John, Anika, Kristie, and Rev Terry
John's mom, Janeal, recently passed away but John and Kristie had her photograph at the park so that she was included in the wedding.
We had a great party at the house after the wedding and despite most of us fighting colds everyone enjoyed the afternoon and evening. Avery and Sharon and I went fishing on the Crooked River on Sunday then came home to and early dinner and the kids headed to bed a 7:00 to prepare for school on Monday. On Monday Sharon and I met Kendra for lunch in Bend and had a nice visit.
Throughout the day on Monday I felt worse and worse and Sharon wanted me to go see a doctor. In the evening I said that if I had a fever I would go. Turns out I did and it was off to the urgent care center for me. I ended up with a pile of perscriptions that I shared with Sharon and Kristie. Sudafed and codine cough syrup can sure help you sleep! Sharon and I delayed our departure from Redmond so that we could just rest and recover, a wise move.
Avery on the Crooked

Sunday, September 30, 2012

John and Kristie September 29, 2012

This photo is from after the ceremony. Go to my Picasa page or Google+ for all of the wedding pictures. It was a wonderful day. The weather was perfect, the ceremony was perfect, and the party after was perfect. Everyone had a great time.

Follow the link to the photos.
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Monday, September 10, 2012

Sharon and I spent the afternoon with Brady at Vander Veer Park in Davenport. This image is my favorite. Kathy visited her orthopedist and now is more mobile, yea! Even so, this won't stop us from visiting Davenport.
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day in Chicago

Sharon was about to go outside and pull weeds in the yard and I thought it sounded too much like work for Labor Day. We should not be laboring we should be having fun. We showered and dressed and headed for the train! The plan was lunch at the Art Institute, walk around Millennium Park, take some pictures, spend time together, and head home for leftovers with the neighbors. The plan was successful and we had a great Labor Day.

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