Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ten Days in Redmond

I flew into Portland and drove to Remond on September 22 so that I could help John and Kristie feel better prepared for their wedding on September 29. Our goal was for me to help finish some projects in the house and run errands. I helped as much as I could and enjoyed my visit spending time with Avery and Anika and with John and Kristie.
On Sunday September 23 Avery and I paid a visit to a little lake in Bend and did some fishing. Avery brought a honking spinning rod and I brought a little 3 weight Fly rod. Avery caught his humongous bass on the fly rod. We had a good afternoon at the lake fishing, talking, eating lunch, and generally having a great time. At the end of the day Avery expressed an interest in having his own fly rod and as you see from the last photo in this edition of ColbyJ's Ramblings he now has one. I gave him mine - but I had to argue with him about it! He did not want to take my fly rod but he is thrilled to have it.
Check out that bass!
During the rest of the week I spent my days with painter's putty, tape, and primer, being the handyman. On Monday, Tuesday, and then Wednesday afternoon I picked up the kids after school and we amused ourselves at the park or shopping. I hope they had as much fun as I did!
Thursday and Friday were errand days with excitement such as trips to Costco with Kristie to stock up for the wedding party on Saturday. Sharon arrived in Redmond Thursday evening and on Friday evening we hosted a "Rehearsal Dinner" at Anthony's in Bend even though there was not a rehearsal! But, not before a trip to the nail salon for Sharon, Kristie, Anika, and Colby. Manis and pedis for Kristie and Anika, pedi for Sharon and mani for me. We were all stylin'.
Family started arriving on Thursday for the Saturday wedding, the house got busier and busier leading up to the 2:00 event at Stack's Park in Redmond. It was a lovely setting and Kristie's brother in law Terry did a fine job officiating. He has a future here!
Avery, John, Anika, Kristie, and Rev Terry
John's mom, Janeal, recently passed away but John and Kristie had her photograph at the park so that she was included in the wedding.
We had a great party at the house after the wedding and despite most of us fighting colds everyone enjoyed the afternoon and evening. Avery and Sharon and I went fishing on the Crooked River on Sunday then came home to and early dinner and the kids headed to bed a 7:00 to prepare for school on Monday. On Monday Sharon and I met Kendra for lunch in Bend and had a nice visit.
Throughout the day on Monday I felt worse and worse and Sharon wanted me to go see a doctor. In the evening I said that if I had a fever I would go. Turns out I did and it was off to the urgent care center for me. I ended up with a pile of perscriptions that I shared with Sharon and Kristie. Sudafed and codine cough syrup can sure help you sleep! Sharon and I delayed our departure from Redmond so that we could just rest and recover, a wise move.
Avery on the Crooked

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