Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

We had a delightful Thanksgiving this year. First, the Monday before Thanksgiving marked two years since I finished chemo. I am thankful that I don't have to deal with chemo any more - except for the neuropathy in my fingers and feet. My fingers do seem to continually but slowly improve though this morning they my fingertips and nails are very sensitive. My feet? That is another matter. I am not sure if I am seeing improvement or not. Some days, at both the beginning of the day and at the end of the day I can barely walk. I walk like an old man! But other than those two reminders I am well. I have to schedule a CT scan this week and hopefully it will be clean once more.

Back to Thanksgiving good news! Kathy, Kevin, and Brady came to visit from Wednesday through Sunday. It is always good to see them, and especially to see them all together because Kevin has been on the road so much lately. We were surprised he got to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with us.

On Thanksgiving day the Solers were all he along with Kelly. Also joining us was friends of Beth and Dave - Cathy and her daughter Hannah. Chris and Rich were here too - and Rich seemed to be feeling well. I've worried about him in previous visits because he has not looked or sounded well. This visit he was looking good and enjoyed a couple of beers.

We had cheese and olives and salsas and oysters for starters while Sharon prepared sides of corn puddings, roasted potatoes, and Brussels sprouts and kale salad. I concentrated on a seven bone rib roast and two salmon fillets. The rib roast fought with me! I originally planned to cook it on the Weber grill with charcoal but then decided the Weber smoker would be better. But after putting the roast on the roast rack and seasoning it in preparation for cooking, and then getting the charcoal going in the smoker, when I put the roast on, it was too wide for the smoker - sticking out on both sides. OK I thought, back to the charcoal grill. I got some charcoal going and the put the roast on the grill only to find the lid would not go on! I then removed the roast from the rack and put the beast on a sheet pan. Looking good - for a couple of hours. Then I got involved with things inside - setting the table etc. and when I went out to check the roast, I had let the charcoal go too long without refilling. I had to pull the roast and start another chimney of charcoal. Bad Colby. A while later the roast was up to about 115 degrees and I fired up the gas grill, brought it to 500 degrees and then finished the roast on the gas grill. I should have left it one a bit longer than I did but time was getting short. Next I moved to the salmon, I started it on the charcoal but the fire was too low, so I finished it on the gas grill and it was perfect. Dinner all came together at around 5:00 - only an hour late! Not bad for us.

We finished up with Sharon treats - bread pudding, chocolate bread pudding, and pecan pie. Katy brought pear pie - one of her specialties. Yum to all!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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