Thursday, July 30, 2015

What? No New York City Posts?

Subtitle: Our trip to NYC from July 18 to 22 to visit Larry and Dave!

After an awful flight experience on Saturday night getting from Chicago to New York over three hours late, we were able to spend a few delightful though hot and humid days with Larry and Dave in New York City, seeing the sights and eating the food.

I got Stuart with a ukulele. Sharon got new sunglasses.


Argh! Colby Is Ranting Again

Rant #1

Illinois bicycle laws - apparently rules are not for everyone. At least slow down for a stop sign and DO NOT ignore traffic signals.  Even Peg, one of my biking gods, argues that traffic signals are not for cyclists is traffic is clear. (Though her car's license plate surround says "Same rights, same rules.") She claims that biking is all about momentum. To me, that does not mean you can ignore the rules of the road. I will admit to rolling through stop signs unless there is a car coming. But, I wait for a red light to go green before I go at a traffic signal controlled intersection. Most cyclists have no idea what the rules are, and in fact know a dismal few of the rules hey should follow in a car.

Rant #2

Biking in downtown Glen Ellyn - posted signs say no bikes on the downtown sidewalks. I get off and walk my bike while having to avoid adults and kids who choose to ride theirs.

Rant #3

Prairie Path riding and walking etiquette. Single file please! Move over! Announce you are passing! Don't block the path! Cars, if you stop for a train, don't stop across the path crossing! Share!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Iced Coffee

I have been a fan of iced coffee for years, not drinking it all the time but when the opportunity was right. Now I will make more opportunities. I have discovered cold brewed coffee and it is nice! On a whim I bought a Hario Mizudashi Pot on Amazon. It is easy to use and makes delicious coffee, but it does take time! About 12 hours, and 24 is better.

Why cold brewed. Taste. Richer flavor, less bitter, and minimal dilution. I find I am drinking it straight with no ice and no milk or sugar and it is great.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Kathy Runs A 13.1

On Saturday June 27 we headed to Madison to meet Kathy and Brady and friends before their 1/2 marathon run on Sunday. We made it to town around 7:00 in time to join them for a nice dinner then every one retired to prepare for the race which would come early Sunday morning.

We met Kathy and Brady and many other runners before 7:00 am to ride a shuttle bus to the race site. Everyone was keyed up and ready to go and then the skies opened up with rain! It let up bit by the time we arrived at the race site, but everyone was seeking cover. Thankfully the rain stopped at the start of the race and stayed away through the event.

It was our job to entertain Brady. Turns out she is not a morning person and she was grouchy. However, a little breakfast and some juice and some time on the iPhone and she was happier.

Kathy had a good race, finishing in just over her 3 hour target which made her very happy. We did what we could to fill our time and Brady's time. If we do this again we will not take the shuttle bus, but rather drive so that we have a car available.