Wednesday, August 27, 2014


This week I have been spending time with my grand kids Avery and Anika. This is the week before school starts and their normal summer daytime activity of Boys and Girls Club is closed this week and therefore they get me! I can't say that we have really accomplished anything except hang out, shop for groceries and other items, fix dinner, go to the park, read in the sun, have lunch, lay low, go to the park, and watch a couple of movies. Today we are really laying low. This morning we went to the park and tossed a frisbee and talked, but this afternoon it is just to darn hot. The house is still cool from last night and we've got all of the shades drawn and it is comfortable. I tried to play the ukulele outside but after about 30 minutes I was done. Anika and I are now watching Matilda - her favorite movie. We dropped Avery off at school where he is doing some leadership training and ran a few errands but now we are inside and quite.

Avery Selfie
Another Avery Selfie
Shy Anika
iPad mini looking into iPad


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